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Sodomy humor

Found in the 101 Dumbest moments in Business at Business 2.0 via

7UP had a Spot with a strange kind of humour running:

The young brand spokesman, who has appeared in 7UP's ongoing campaign, addresses the camera, "They say if you're going to sell something, get yourself a captive audience." Then the cell door closes in front of him -- he's in a prison.

He walks down the aisle, putting cans of the soft drink into eager hands sticking out of the cell doors. As he drops a can, he starts to bend over but then laughs and says, "Ooo, I'm not picking that up" -- a reference to male rape. (No matter that he's safely on the other side of the bars.)

He walks past a man in his cell, slipping the soda can into a sock and says to him, "Hiding from your roomie? That's not nice."

Human rights group Stop Prisoner Rape (SPR) said Friday that 7UP has agreed to pull its "Captive Audience" commercial off the air after the beverage company received complaints from SRS and "nearly 100 organizations" over the ad's content. (

You can even watch the spot online at


Dog Breath Ad

A new advertising clip by Wrigley Chewing Gum got a record number of complaints when it was shown for the first time in British television.

A chewing gum ad showing a dog coming out of a man's mouth has become the most complained about advert ever. Over 550 people have phoned the Independent Television Commission (ITC) because they didn't like it.
by BBC

It's all done using clever computer technology. But some say it looks so real, it has actually made them puke. A spokesperson for the gum makers, The Wrigley Company, told us: "It is not, nor has it ever been, our intention to upset anyone by our adverts."

if you are a member you can watch the spot online...

The previous record was held by the Levi's dead hamster ad which prompted 544 complaints in 1998. by Ananova

Checkout Apple's TV ads from its "switch"-campaign"! Meet Helen Feiss, Gianni Jacklone and De La Soul ("uh-uh-uh-uh!").

Thanks to Stefan Smalla for the link.


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